Mahadevar, facing east
Mahadevar, facing east
Ganesha, Naagar
Mahadevar Puliyurkurichi is a small east facing temple. The eastern entrance door area is a mess whereas the western doorway has been done up nicely with an arch. The temple has a well paved Prakaram. Outside the eastern door is an ancient and neglected Nandi and a Balipeedam. The temple pond is nearby in the northern side.
Holy Water – Temple Pond
Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information
Mahadevar Puliyurkurichi is an ancient temple and we could see some inscriptions here, but the details of the same are not available as of now.
No information
Mahadevar Puliyurkurichi is about 14.5 kilometers from Nagercoil in the road to Thucalay and just before Thucalay. Take a right just after the Udayagiri Fort at the road junction to reach the temple. Please refer to our map below for exact location.
None locally. Closest place for food is Thucalay and stay is Nagercoil.