
Sivalaya Ottam -4

Saivite Temples, Kanyakumari District


Mahadevar, facing east



Other Deities

Ganesha, Thirumalaiyappan

Thirunandikarai is a beautiful east facing Kerala style temple situated on the base of a large hill. the temple with 2 Prakarams is entered through a gate in the south. The Sanctum Sanctorum is circular in shape and has the Dasavatara images on copper plates fixed around it. Vishnu as Thirumalaiyappan is present behind the sanctum facing west. There is a cave temple nearby.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Thirunandikarai is an ancient temple probably constructed much after the nearby cave temple. The area has seen historic activity and the temple has been served by the Travancore Kings.


There used to exist a Shivalingam near a large rock and unable to bear the radiant heat of the rock the Lord is said to have submerged himself in the nearby pond. He then appeared in the dream of a devotee and ordered him to construct the present day temple at Thirunandikarai. Thirunandikarai is the fourth temple where Bhima dropped the Rudraksha seed to slow down the creature chasing him when he was on a mission to procure its milk for a Yaga.


Thirunandikarai is 4 kilometers north of Kulasekaram in the Pechiparai road. If you are going by bus you have get down at the main road and walk a kilometer inside to reach the temple.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest place for food is Kulasekaram, stay is Nagercoil.

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