Mahadevar, facing east
Mahadevar, facing east
Naagar, Ganesha, Muruga
Thirunattalam is an east facing temple with a large temple tank in front. Sankaranarayana Perumal temple is in front to the east and the Temple tank is in between the two temples. The temple has 2 Prakarams and the Sanctum Sanctorum is circular with a conical top and tiled roof. This is the last of the Shivalaya Ottam temples and like the first one at Munchirai this temple also is important for Shiva and Vishnu worship together.
Holy Water (Theertham) – Temple Tank
Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Nagavalli (Cannonball Tree – Couroupita guianensis)
Thirunattalam is an ancient temple, but the historical information is not available as of now.
Thirunattalam is the twelfth temple where Bhima dropped the Rudraksha seed to slow down the creature chasing him when he was on a mission to procure its milk for a Yaga.
Thirunattalam is 4.5 kilometers in the Marthandam to Colachel road. As of now you have to get down in the main road and cut across the 4 lane highway under construction and proceed for about 300 meters to reach the Sankaranarayana Perumal temple first, behind which is Thirunattalam temple.
None locally. Closest place for food is Marthandam, stay is Nagercoil.