Thyagavidangar, Thellandi

Saivite Temples, Kanyakumari District


Thyagavidanga Easwarar, facing west


Sivakami Amman, facing south

Other Deities

Valampuri Vinayaka, Balasubramaniya, Naagar, Navagraha, Bhairava. Sanctum Niches – Dakshinamurthy, Chandikeswara

Thyagavidangar Thellandi is an ancient west facing temple situated on a small hillock on the banks of the large Thellandi Lake. This hillock is called Thenpaarai. A flight of steps leads up to the south facing entrance. There are also steps that take you up through the entrance in the west. The temple has two Prakarams. A tall speaker cum bell tower is present on the west side of the outer prakaram. There is a small temple tank on top of the rock.

Holy Water – Temple Tank

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Thyagavidangar Thellandi is an ancient temple, but historical information is not available as of now.


The name of the lord here at Thyagavidangar Thellandi is related him consuming the poison that came out of the churning of the oceans. A Sidhdha in ancient days is believed to have performed a penance in this rock to see this form of the Lord (Neela Kanda – blue throated) where the poison had made his throat blue. Blessed with the vision he also felt that others should see and be blessed by this form and thus the temple came into being.


Thyagavidangar Thellandi is about 3.5 kilometers north east of Boothapandi, which is about 8.5 kilometers north of Nagercoil.

Stay and Food

None locally except tea shops. Closest place for food and stay is Nagercoil.

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